Quick Tips

What is a trigger?

In DocketCalendar, a "Trigger," "Trigger Event," or "Trigger Item" refers to a key event that is specified in procedural rules and upon which case deadlines are based. These triggers are essential for determining the timelines and deadlines within a case. For instance, the service of a summons and complaint can serve as a trigger event.

A "Trigger Date" is the date on which the trigger event occurs. This date could be in the past, in the future, or even the current date, depending on the nature of the trigger. An example of a trigger date could be the date of an upcoming trial or the date a motion was served.

"Related Events" are the deadlines and court appointments that are calculated based on a trigger event. While most related events are deadlines, some triggers might be case-related court appointments themselves, such as a deposition, hearing, or trial. In such cases, DocketCalendar includes these appointments in the list as Related Events​​.

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