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Related Events Report

  1. Locate an appointment record for an event that is one of a series created using a particular Trigger.
  • If you can find an appointment record on your calendar, double click on the appointment to display the list.
  • If you need to search for one of the events, or for an appointment with the particular Trigger, you can use Outlook's Instant Search to find it.
  • Open the appointment by double-clicking on it, either on the Outlook calendar or in the Table View.

You will see the list of events in the appointment record.

  1. On the All Events list, click the Export Events button.

From the dropdown list, choose either Event Report or Event List, depending upon the type of report you want to export.

The Event Report groups the Trigger information in a heading at the top.

The Event List report displays a list of all events relating to a Trigger with the Trigger, Case and Jurisdiction details repeated on each line of the report.

As soon as you click the button, the details of the events on the All Events list will be exported to an Excel spreadsheet, which will open immediately. You will see it in your Taskbar, represented by the Excel icon on an orange background.

  1. Click on the Excel icon to view the report.
  2. Adjust the width of the columns by dragging or double clicking the top of the column.
  3. Save the Report to your file system.
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