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Modify Search Result View

This topic will show you how to configure the Outlook Instant Search so that you can use it to find calendar events created using DCO. From the list of search results, you will be able open, update, delete or apply one or more Categories to DCO events. To enable the Instant Search to search the information DCO adds to an Outlook appointment, you must modify Outlook's default Table View to include DCO fields--Trigger, Case and Event--as additional columns. This topic will also show you how to add a "filter" to the modified Table View to limit the Instant Search to DCO events occurring in the future. In this article, we will cover:

  • Modify a Table View to Include DCO Fields
  • Add a Filter To the Table View to Select Future Events

Modify a Table View to Include DocketCalendar Fields

To be able to search for events by the data in DocketCalendar-specific fields, such as Case Name, Trigger and Jurisdiction, you must add them as columns to the table that is displayed when you conduct a search, using the Instant Search. See, for example, Figure 1, where a search for the keyword "Return Day" yielded all of the CRO events based upon that Trigger.

Figure 1--Search for Trigger "Return Day" with DCO Fields Added to Table View

Create a New Table View by Copying the Default Table View

When you first install Outlook, it includes a single default Table View. Rather than modifying that view, it is preferable to copy it and then modify its settings.  

  1. Log into the Outlook account where the view will be copied.
  2. Open the Outlook calendar if it is not already open.
  3. Click on the View tab of the Ribbon menu at the top of the screen.
  4. Click on the Change Views button to display the Change Views menu screen.
  5. Click on Manage Views.

The Manage All Views screen will be displayed, showing a list of all existing views applicable to the current user

  1. Select the List view from the list and click the copy button.

The Copy View screen will be displayed.

  1. Enter a descriptive name for your copy of the Table view, such as CRO Search--Future Events.
  2. Click the OK button.

The Advanced View Settings will be displayed.

From this menu, you have access to all of the configuration settings for the view, including the placement of columns and creation of filters.

  1. If you know how to use the configuration settings, proceed to add the DCO columns to the view and, if you wish to do so, create one or more filters to limit the records you will display.
  2. If you want to wait to configure the columns, click the OK button to return you to the Manage All Views screen.

You will see the new Table View selected in the in the list.  You can click Apply if you want to immediately view your current calendar as a list.  Otherwise, click the OK button to return to the Calendar view.

Add the DCO Columns to the Table View

You will not be able to perform an Instant Search using DCO event information, such as Triggers and Jurisdiction, unless they are added to the columns of the Table view.  The DCO event description and the case name are exceptions, because DCO places these fields into the Outlook subject field by default.

Note:  In Configuring Options--Appointment Tab, you can change the default setting to remove the case name from the Outlook subject.  

  1. If the new Table view has been applied and is visible on your screen, click the View Setting button on the Current View section of the View menu. Otherwise, you will need to Open the Advanced View Settings Menu as follows:
  • After logging into Outlook, open the Outlook calendar.
  • Click on the View tab of the Ribbon menu at the top of the screen.
  • Click on the Change Views button to display the Change Views menu screen and then click on Manage Views.
  • Select the new Table view from the list and then click Modify.

The Advanced View Setting Menu will be displayed.

  1. Click Columns on the Advanced View Setting screen.

The Show Columns Screen will be displayed.

  1. Determine what DCO specific information fields you want to appear on the columns in addition to the fields Outlook places on a Table view by default.

The most useful fields for use with the Instant Search in conjunction with the standard Outlook fields are:

  • TriggerItemDescription. Meaning: Trigger. Useful to find all events related to a Trigger
  • JurisdictionDescription. Meaning: Rules Set Description. Useful to see all events relating to a particular Rule Set (Jurisdiction.
  • JurisdictionCode. Meaning: Abbreviation for Jurisdiction. If you recognize it, use it to conserve space on the Table columns.
  • CaseName. Meaning: Case Name. Not needed if Subject contains case name.
  • Text. Meaning: Variable. It could contain Key Words, but Categories are more useful.
  1. Determine which of the Outlook standard fields you want to include. We recommend that you retain the following Outlook fields:
  • Start: this is the date and time field.
  • Subject: by default this includes the case name and event description.
  • Location: this contains the content of the DCO location field; remove it if you do not use that field
  • Categories: leave it, particularly if you decide to use Categories to classify your events.
  1. Select the columns in the right panel that you want to remove (suggested: Attachment and In Folder).
  1. Click Remove.
  2. Repeat for each column you wish to remove.
  3. Next, add the DCO fields you decide to use for columns in the Table view from the left panel.
  • To find the DCO fields, select "User-defined fields" from the filter drop-down list above the Available columns panel on the left side of the screen to display the list of CRO fields.
  • Select a field and click Add to move it to the right panel.
  • Repeat until all of the fields have been selected.
  1. Then, move the fields up and down in the right panel using the Move Up and Move Down buttons until they are in the correct order.
  2. Click OK to return to the Advanced View Settings List and then click OK again to close the screen.
  3. You should now see the Table view with the columns you added on the screen.
  • Adjusting Column Sizes. You can adjust the width of the columns by dragging the vertical line that marks the border between two column to the left or right.
  • Re-ordering the Columns. You can re-order the fields by dragging them from one location to another. Adjust the column sizes so that the information for each column fits on the screen.

Add a Filter To the Table View to Select Future Events

You can install a filter on the Table view to remove past events from Instant Search results. You will find detailed information on creating filters, in Using Filters.

To create a filter that limits the Instant Search to future events, including today:

  1. Open the Advanced View Settings Menu for the Table View you created.
  2. Click the Filter button.

The Filter screen will open

  1. On the Advanced tab, click on the Field button to display the field group list and select the Start field from the Date/Time fields grouping.
  2. Select  "on or after" from the Conditions drop-down .
  3. Enter the word "Today" in the Value field.
  1. Click OK to return to the Advanced View Settings screen and then OK again to close it.

The filter has been added to the Table view.

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