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Case: Your Central Hub for Case Information & Deadlines

Start by clicking on the 'New Case' button in the CASES section of your navigation:

DocketCalendar Cases store the basic information you will need to calendar deadlines. Case Name, Jurisdiction, Calendars assigned to the case, Reminder and Category or Color preference and you can also store information that will populate in the Location, Subject, and Comments or Body sections of each event. Each Case Record also contains a complete list of all Triggers and Events Calendared for the case and all edit functions related to the Case, Triggers and Events as well.

Case Details

Case Details stores your Case Name, Jurisdiction and the Calendars Assigned to the Case.

Add a Case Name - Case names will be combined with the deadline in the subject field of your events. We recommend brief case names.

Pick a Jurisdiction for your Case - The Jurisdiction Dropdown will show all courts in your subscription

Add Calendars to Your Case - Assign Calendars will display a list of all of your current Assigned Calendar Users.

Event Details

Event Details allows you to store Text or Comments in the 3 main fields of your events. Location, Subject and Comments or Body. Any information saved at the case level will autofill the Location, Subject and Comments section each time you calculate a trigger.

Location - Text entered in location will populate in the location field on your events

Subject - Text entered into the subject will populate in between the case name and the deadlines or event title

Comments - Text entered into comments will populate in the body or comments section of each event along with the Case Details, Jurisdiction, Trigger Title etc.

Notifications - Outlook

Outlook users can change the Popup Notification setting for each case. This will give the case event the same default Popup setting.

Categories: DocketCalendar will read your Linked Email Account's Calendar Categories and allow you to save a preference for a Category at the case level.

Notifications - Gmail

Gmail users can change one Popup notification and one email notification setting for each case. This will give the case events the same default Popup and email setting.

Event Color: Google Events have an Event Color option. You can store an event color preference at the case level.

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