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Application Defaults: Include Court Rule in Events

DocketCalendar contains many user controllable settings locate on the Application or "App" Defaults screen. These settings are global to all DocketCalendar Users. We suggest you review these settings with all of your users before making changes to the defaults.

When a User logs into DocketCalendar for the first time and reviews settings on the Update Options screen, they will already be configured as shown below and no further action is needed unless the User wants to change the default values.

Below is a list of available options. Once you have made changes, click the Save button to save your changes.

Linked Email Account

The Linked Email Account is set when you create your DocketCalendar Subscription. It is viewable from the App Default screen for confirmation purposes but it can not be changed. If you need to change your Linked Email Account you will need to contact us at

Default Jurisdiction.

If you have subscribed to the rules in more than one jurisdiction, you can select one as the default jurisdiction. When you create a case, this jurisdiction will be automatically selected. This setting would be useful to a practitioner whose litigation practice is limited primarily to a single jurisdiction. Default Setting: No Jurisdiction Selected.

Add "Court Rule" to Body

By default, the system adds text from the court rule to the body of the appointments or deadlines created on the calendar. Users can change this option as follows:

  • Don’t add: The Court Rule will not be added.
  • Rule Text: The default—rule text will be added.
  • Rule ID only. An identification code, frequently the official abbreviation used to refer to the applicable procedural rules, will be added—for example, FRCP 33(b)(2)—i.e., Rule 33(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

Add "Date Rule" to Body

Default Setting: The Date Rule is an abbreviated summary of the calculation used to calculate the event date. It includes how many days, what type of days (court or calendar), what direction (forward or backward), and the roll method (what to do if the date lands on weekend or holiday). By default, the Date Rule is placed into the body of the appointment or deadline on the calendar. Users can change the option to “No” if they do not want the Date Rule in the body. 

Case Location

Default Setting: Prepend to subject: This option determines where the case name will be placed in the subject or the body of the calendar entry. If you do not want to accept the default setting, select one of the other options from the dropdown list:

Prepend to subject. Puts the case name first on the subject line, before the event description. (Default and recommended setting)

Append to subject. Puts the case name after the event description in the subject line. If the event has a lengthy description, the case name may be cut off when you view the subject line in the Google calendar.

Prepend to body. Puts the case name in the body of the calendar entry, before the Court Rule or Rule ID.

Append to body. Puts the case name in the body of the event after the location of the Court Rule or Rule ID.

Note: If you choose an option that puts the case name in calendar entry, either before or after the body, the case name will not appear in the subject of the event on the Google calendar and you not be able to see it without opening the calendar entry.

Don’t add. Removes the case name from the subject and body. This option is also not recommended, because you may not be able to identify the case without the case name.

Add "User Notification" Tag

This will place a unique text string on each event that belongs to a specific Assigned Calendar.

Email Reminder - Gmail Only

This setting assigns the default value on the Add Case screen for the length of time before an event or deadline created in a case that the Google calendar will generate an email notification for a particular event placed on the Google calendar.

Pop-Up Reminder

This setting assigns the default value on the Add Case screen for the length of time before an event or deadline created in a case that the calendar will generate a Pop Up notification for a particular event placed on the calendar.

Display "Events" Details:

This setting will override all event settings and remove all event details from your DocketCalendar Events.

Display Trigger Title on Calendar Body:

This setting will display the trigger Title on all related events. Default setting is Yes

Appointments w/time status

This setting determines whether a calculated event that is a court appearance or appointment will show the time slot when it takes place as “busy”, so that other people will not try to schedule other appointment at that time. The default is “busy”. It works in conjunction with Appointment length setting.

Appointment length

This setting determines the length of time that will be reserved on your calendar, when a rules calculation places an appointment event on your calendar that takes place at a specified time. The default is 1 hour. If the previous option is set to “busy”, your calendar will show that you are busy for the period of time selected.

Add “DocketCalendarDeadline” Tag

By default this setting is set to “Yes”. When enabled, the word “DocketCalendarDeadline” is placed into the body of a calendar item. When the calendar item is transmitted as a meeting invitation during the docket creation process, the presence of this tag gives the recipient the option to identify those invitations received from DC. Using the Google’s filtering function, the User is able to create a filter that can remove incoming meeting invitations and archive them or move them to another folder.

Event Color

This setting establishes a default color for events appearing on the Google calendar, as a result of Date Calculations. When a new Case is created, the selected color is automatically transferred to the Event Color field on the Add Case screen, where it becomes the default Event Color for every event created in that case. During a Date Calculation, the Event Color can be changed again, allowing all events created using a particular Trigger to have a different color than other events created in the case. By default, this setting is set to “No Color”. You can choose one of the colors from the dropdown list.

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