Editing cases...
Access all your created cases by clicking on "All Cases" in the view section of your sidebar:


next to the case you'd like to view
Great! We are now viewing the case screen for this specific case:


at the top to access the case editor.
From here you can make any changes to the case details you wish:


to save your changes and return to the case screen.
Editing events...
You can also access all the events for an individual case by clicking on "View All Events" on the case screen:


next to the event you'd like to view
You should now see the single event screen:


to start editing:

When you're done editing click

to save your changes.
Recalculating events...
To start recalculating events you'll need to access the trigger itself...

From the case screen click

next to a trigger in the "Triggers" section...
We are now viewing the trigger screen:


to view your trigger editing options...
Select a new date / time:


to see the final confirmation screen:

If everything checks out, click

to complete the recalculation!
Archive cases...
To archive a case you'll first need to archive all of its associated triggers...

From the case screen click

next to a trigger in the "Triggers" section...
We are now viewing the trigger screen:


to view your trigger editing options...


to archive this trigger.
With all the triggers in this case archived, we can now archive the case...

From the case screen, click

to display the case edit screen.


to archive this case.
You can access all your archived cases at anytime by selecting "Archived Cases" from the CASES section of your sidebar:
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